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Leona Fabien

Contact: leonafabien@gmail.com



Fabien studied Visual Arts at The Centre for the Creative and Festival Arts, UWI. Whilst there, she was the recipient of several awards including the Eastman-Christensen Visual Arts Award and the M.P. Alladin Prize for Best Visual Arts Degree Student for her final year at the university. More recently, in 2014, she was awarded two prizes at the Women In Art Annual Exhibition: Best Mixed Media piece and Most Improved Art Work.

At present, Fabien is an Art and Design teacher at Bishop Anstey High School, POS.

Artist Statement
“Creating art for me is relaxing and it is my opportunity to indulge in some creative challenges. The very simple things that we see and encounter on a daily basis stimulate my visions as a simple walk along the road may provide me with sufficient creative stimuli. More recently, local and foreign architecture, and their unique decorative detail have caught my imagination and have become the subject of my paintings.”

Art of the Arches
mixed media
19 x 14"


The Portal
mixed media
19 x 14"

Bird Fantasy 
Stained Glass
9 x 9"


mixed media
10 x 8"


Morning Heliconia 
acrylic on canvas
24 x 18"


go back up

