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"A Celebration of Art"
The Gallery at Fine Art
22 May - 9 June 2012

Canvas Caribbean
Committed to the idea of helping each other to grow and develop professionally as artists, the members of the group first got together in2004 and after their first >“Showing” at The Upper Room Gallery, Mt. St Benedict’s, Canvas Caribbean was formed.
Over the years, the group has had annual exhibitions, hosted seminars, workshops, and traveled together. Trips to Suriname, Columbia, and Venezuela as well as Brazil were made, all in the interest of creating awareness of the group and generally inspiring and uplifting each other.
The group is currently made up of sixteen artists, all of whom are graduates of The University of the West Indies.
Mentored and encouraged by other artists such as Pat Bishop and Carlisle Harris, members’ works reflect a variety of styles, techniques, media and content. Through our paintings and other artworks our greatest hope is to reach out to the local, regional and international community, inspire art lovers, engage critics and motivate educators.

1. Adele Bynoe

2. Adele Bynoe

3. Adele Bynoe

4. Adele Bynoe
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2015 and beyond © Canvas Caribbean- all rights reserved - Last updated:
October 28, 2018