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Canvas Caribbean

Exhibition at the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago
3 - 14 June 2008

Catalogue page 3 of 6

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Leona Fabien
Enchanted Swirls
acrylic on canvas
24 x 18"


Leona Fabien
Beauty Awakens
acrylic on canvas
24 x 18"


Kathy Farabi
The Mine of Humanity
acrylic on canvas
30 x 29.5"


Kathy Farabi
Sacrifice - The Moth to the Candle
acrylic on canvas
28 x 28"


Kathy Farabi
Willing Channels
acrylic on canvas board
15.5 x 19.5"


Carol Lewis
Pan Fire
22 x 25"


Carol Lewis
22 x 18"


Carol Lewis
De Jumbie is ....
40 x 12" (diptych)


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